Install softwares on Linux using YUM

*Step # 1: Configure yum
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base

Save the file. Install GPG signature key with rpm command:
# rpm --import
*Step # 2 Update your package list:
# yum check-update
*Step # 3 start to use yum
Install a new package called foo
# yum install foo
To update packages
# yum update
To update a single package called bar
# yum update bar
To remove a package called telnet
# yum remove telnet
To list all packages
# yum list installed
You can search using grep command
# yum list installed | grep samba
Display information on a package called foo
To display list of packages for which updates are available
# yum list updates
clean all cahced packages:
# yum clean packages
To remove all cached packages and old headers:
# yum clean all
Force a fresh download of package
# yum clean headers
# yum clean oldheaders