How to add function list in Notepad++

In SAS Proc SQL code like this can be use to create a function list in NotePad++. It makes code navigation easy.


Now go to Notepad++. open up %appdata%/Notepad++/functionList.xml

Add following to the associationMap section:

        <association userDefinedLangName="SAS" id="sas_function"/>

Add to the parser section:

        <parser id="sas_function" displayName="SAS">
                mainExpr="^[\s]{0,}(CREATE TABLE|INSERT INTO)[\s]{1,}[\w._]{1,}">
                    <funcNameExpr expr=".*"/>

This website is very helpful for one to learn Regular Expression.

It allows you to see result in real time.

How to auto login a user at boot on windows server 2016

There are two stpes, first to set auto-login without user name/password then disable Ctrl+Alt+Del which is enabled for Windows server by default. It works great for vm in Azure.

To set auto-login account

  1. Start > Run > netplwiz (as explained in other answers)
  2. Un-tick “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.”
  3. Provide login credentials to be used for auto-logon

Disabling CTRL+ALT+DEL logon requirement

  1. Start
  2. Type ‘Local Security Policy’ (no quotes) and click on item matching this name
  3. Open ‘Local Policies’
  4. Open ‘Security Options’ Locate Policy called ‘Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL’
    Double click on it Set to ‘Enabled’

After applying this change and rebooting the server it managed to successfully auto-login to the account I had provided.

How to format disk with Windows system installed

You can not use GUI interface to format a disk with windows installed. DiskPart is the command line version of the Disk Management graphical interface. It allows you to view, create, delete, format, and manage any connected drives on the system.

Open a command prompt, type in:
diskpart, and press Enter
list disk — viewing the available attached drives.
select disk 2 — if disk 2 is the one you want to delete.
list partition
select partition 1
delete partition
clean –when you’re in the disk you want to work on, it will wipe the entire disk
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