How to delete library in Windows Media Player 12

Today I noticed that my media player open very slow. Since I removed a hard drive the entire library in Windows Media Player 12 (operating in Windows 7) needs to be rebuild. The player can start again with a new database. With previous versions of WMP this was straightforward – I would get to the Media Player folder within Local Settings and delete all the files (leaving the folders). Now when I try to do this I get the message ‘This action cannot be completed because the file is open in Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. Close the file and try again.” Here is how I solved that problem.

  1. Close the Windows media player.
  2. Go to Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools\Services. Stop the “Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service”.
  3. Navigate to: C:\Users\kwu\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MediaPlayer
  4. Rename or delete all files with .wmdb extension.
  5. Restart WMP and ensure you have the desired library locations and WMP should automatically repopulate itself.

Windows Media Center record TV to a remote directory

First go to windows services stop the “Windows Media Center Receiver Service” and the “Windows Media Center Scheduler Service” then go to c:\users\public\ folder and delete the “Recorded TV” folder. Open a command prompt as an administrator and navigate to c:\users\public\ then type in
mklink /d "Recorded TV" \\server\path.
Put the path in double quotes if there is any spaces in the name of the share. Go to the server share that you want to use as your Recorded TV folder and grant the user account “Anyone” full control.
If the local directory is in D:\ drive then the folder name should be “D:\Recorded TV” instead.

How to change SQL Server to be case sensitive

The default COLLATE in SQL Server is “Latin1_GENERAL_CI_AS”, which means it’s Case Insensitive and Accent Sensitive. There are cases that you want to be case sensitive while doing a join, compare a value etc. There two ways to accomplish it.

    It will change the whole db to this collate. Need to back the db and all that.
  • AA left join BB on AA.Fobkey = BB.Fobkey COLLATE Latin1_GENERAL_CS_AS
    The collate only apply to this operation. There are cases that you have no control of the collate of the whole database, then it’s the only option you have.