Online Data Storage

Since my blog web host (the account is for free right now) does not allow upload file size greater than 500K or any mp3 files, I have to find an online alternative. The following are the free services I checked out.

  • OpenDrive
    space: 5G (free), additional 5G/year for $5.
    bandwidth: 1G/day; additional 5G/day for $5.
    faily new to the game. Easy to use, I used it of my mp3.
  • Dropbox
    space: 2G (free)
    The company is only one year old, run by some MIT grads. They have 17 staffs, most of them were born in 80’s. They got some pretty good reviews from big media like PC Word. They use Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Service) as backend, features are good for online collaboration, data backup and file sharing. Definitely will try it out later.
  • Mozy
    space: 2G (free) at $4.95 a month for unlimited storage
    Only data archive and backup no file sharing.
    Recommended by lots of people from internet, but I have not had chance to try it out. Unfortunately, it is not an option for my blog.
  • Jungle Disk
    space: 5G (free) then 15 cent/G. $2/month
    bandwidth: unlimited
    Also Amazon S3 based, but right now it’s backup only, no file sharing. Not an option for my blog to use.

Remove WordPress Revision History

After a few day’s playing around with wordpress, I felt one thing is quite annoying. It does not matter how little change you made to your post, wp always save them by means of revision. The result is a waste of resources and unnecessary longer database query time. I really see no reason to save that many revisions. There are a couple of ways to get rid of this “feature”.

  1. SQL command:
    DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = “revision”;
    select wp_posts table and run the command, make sure “  (double or single quote) is in proper format.
  2. Modify  wp-config.php :
    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);
    the file locates at the website root directory, add the code before /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */, it turn out there is still one more thing needs to be done.
  3. Plugin
    Can not believe there is even a plug in for this, anyway this is the link.  Delete-Revision

The official document is here: Revision Management. It turn out that there is only one autosave in database and the record will be updated every 60 second. The autosave has nothing to do with post revision control. The purpose is to give you something  in case you have system crash while editing a post, I can live with that. I would like to suggest WordPress to move this from core to something like plug in.