Aspire One LINPUS Desktop Advance mode

To open a terminal
alt + F2; or go to File Manager > File > Terminal.
To get the Xfce Settings Manager.
Then go to >Desktop > Behavior tab > Show desktop menu on right click
To remove and to add new desktop shortcuts.
To find out CPU speed (peopel repoted that fan is always on, after BIOS was upgrated to V3114)
grep ‘cpu MHz’ /proc/cpuinfo
backup BIOS
This will dump the BIOS to the file BIOS3xxx.FD and won’t nag about a missing AC adapter. Please replace the 3xxx with your bios version. You can find it on the Setup information screen when you press F2 on bootup.

Install softwares on Linux using YUM

*Step # 1: Configure yum
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base

Save the file. Install GPG signature key with rpm command:
# rpm --import
*Step # 2 Update your package list:
# yum check-update
*Step # 3 start to use yum
Install a new package called foo
# yum install foo
To update packages
# yum update
To update a single package called bar
# yum update bar
To remove a package called telnet
# yum remove telnet
To list all packages
# yum list installed
You can search using grep command
# yum list installed | grep samba
Display information on a package called foo
To display list of packages for which updates are available
# yum list updates
clean all cahced packages:
# yum clean packages
To remove all cached packages and old headers:
# yum clean all
Force a fresh download of package
# yum clean headers
# yum clean oldheaders

Aspireone the noisy fan hack

  • Download the script.
  • Download the acerfand daemon script.
  • Execute these lines in a terminal in the directory you downloaded the above scripts:
    chmod a+x acerfand
    sudo cp acerfand /usr/local/bin/

    To run it straight away:
    sudo acerfand
    To run it at boot:
    In Ubuntu:
    gksu gedit /etc/rc.local
    Insert the following line above the “exit 0” at the bottom:
    In Linpus Linux Lite: (default Aspire One installation)
    As root :
    vi /etc/rc.local
    Press i to switch to INSERT mode and add the following line at the bottom :
    Press Esc and type :wq to save and quit
    Optionally create an /etc/acerfand.conf file. The file is just a shell script that sets up to three values. eg:

    Those are the default values, if the /etc/acerfand.conf file isn’t found.
    INTERVAL is the polling interval in seconds
    FANOFF is the temperature at or below which to turn the fan off, if it’s currently on auto
    FANAUTO is the temperature at or above which to turn the fan to auto, if it’s currently off.
    Read all registers:
    sudo perl regs
    sudo perl regs > test.txt

    Read one register:
    # 51 is the address of the register in hexadecimal
    sudo perl ?= 51
    Write value to one register:
    # 51 is the address in hexadecimal of the register to be written, and 0 is the value to write, also in hexadecimal.
    sudo perl := 51 0

    Convenient commandline to monitor the temperature. (Register 58 is thought to be CPU temperature, in degrees C):
    This also assumes you’re already root and have made executable. eg:
    # Become root
    sudo su -
    # Make the script executable
    chmod a+x
    # Read the temperature and display in decimal every 2 seconds
    watch -n 2 'echo Temp: $[$(./ ?= 58 | cut -f 3 -d" ")] C'

    NB: For this to work, /bin/sh must invoke bash. Usually /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash, but in Ubuntu this is not the default, and as a result the conversion of the temperature from hexadecimal to decimal won’t occur.

    To change /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash, on Ubuntu, as root:
    ln -sfn /bin/bash /bin/sh