How to improve RDP Streaming Audio Performance

Remote audio playback has always tried to automatically adjust its bandwidth usage based on the current network conditions. This allows audio to work pretty well on anything from a 56k modem up through 10 gigabit Ethernet connection, but this flexibility comes at a cost. Adjusting the bandwidth on the fly requires the server to delay audio a little longer for processing before sending it to the client, which can cause the audio to be out of sync with the images on the screen.

Sometimes, you know you are on a network that’s fast enough to handle the best quality audio always. For these cases, you can now change the audio quality mode. This tells the server to assume the network can handle the best quality audio, and to send it as soon as it’s ready. Since the server processing doesn’t delay the audio, the synchronization between audio and video are much improved, and the audio sounds better too.

Enabling this feature requires changes to both the server- and client-side configuration. On the server, the easiest way to enable this feature is from the Group Policy editor.
Go to Computer Configuration:Administrative Templates:Windows Components: Remote Desktop Session Host:Device and Resource Redirection.
The policy in question is “Limit audio playback quality.” Set this to “Enabled,” and then set the “Audio Quality” option to either Medium or High.

On the client side, you need to add the audioqualitymode setting to the RDP file. The three possibilities for this setting are:
• audioqualitymode:i:0 -> Dynamic quality
• audioqualitymode:i:1 -> Medium quality
• audioqualitymode:i:2 -> High quality

Dynamic quality uses the old behavior and attempts to provide the best quality with the available bandwidth. Medium uses a single audio format, which allows reasonable quality, low latency, and doesn’t use too much bandwidth. On the other hand, high quality uses uncompressed audio for the best sound quality while also having low latency.

How to format disk with Windows system installed

You can not use GUI interface to format a disk with windows installed. DiskPart is the command line version of the Disk Management graphical interface. It allows you to view, create, delete, format, and manage any connected drives on the system.

Open a command prompt, type in:
diskpart, and press Enter
list disk — viewing the available attached drives.
select disk 2 — if disk 2 is the one you want to delete.
list partition
select partition 1
delete partition
clean –when you’re in the disk you want to work on, it will wipe the entire disk
read more at:

Ultimate media converter

FFMPEG is a powerful tool to convert a media file from/to any media format.
To use for Chormecast which mainly uses H264 format, some typical usages:

ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec aac recoded2.mp4

ffmpeg -i input_file_name -c:v libx264 -c:a copy
ffmpeg -i %1 -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k %2.mp4

ffmpeg -i %1 -strict -2 -c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k %2.mp4
ffmpeg -i %1 -strict -2 -vcodec h264 -acodec aac %2.mp4

ffmpeg -i %1 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac %2.mp4
ffmpeg -i %1 -acodec aac -ac 2 -af dynaudnorm -vcodec copy %2.mp4

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